CMOS Clock IC (XO)

Clock Oscillator IC's
SeriesDescriptionVC America
CF7101H✅ Oscillator CMOS IC 250kHz to 100MHz 1.6-3.63V low power and settable f0 AdjustContact for programmingActiveCF7101H.pdf
CF7054H✅ 40 MHz to 170 MHz 3rd overtone oscillator.Recommended for new design; low phase noise and low powerActiveRequest CF7054H Datasheet
CF7052H✅ 1.25 MHz ~ 80 MHz fundamental oscillator. and 125°CRecommended for all new designs for performance and life cycleActiveCF7052H.pdf
CF7004✅ New Standard for high output drive CMOS oscillators operating 1.6 to 5.5V and CL=50pF @ 5VRecommended for 1.6 to 5.5V clocks and applications needing for high output driveActiveRequest CF7004 Datasheet
CF7002H✅ New Standard for high output drive CMOS oscillators operating 1.6 to 5.5V and CL=50pF @ 5VRecommended for 1.6 to 5.5V clocks and applications needing high output driveActiveRequest CF7002H Datasheet
CF5058HOscillator IC with -98dBm close-in phase noise 20-50MHz fundamental Oscillator7052H series recommended for all new designs performance and life cycleActiveCF5058H.pdf
CF5056Oscillator CL=30pF 100-135 MHz7002H series recommended for all new designs performance and life cycleActiveCF5056.pdf
CF50555 - 40MHz 1.6 - 3.3V very low power oscillator. (20-40MHz oscillation with f0 f0/2 or f0/4 output)Design with 7052HC1-4ActiveCF5055.pdf
CF5054H40 MHz to 170 MHz 3rd overtone oscillator.migrate to 7054 seriesActiveCF5054H.pdf
CF505380 MHz to 170 MHz fundamental oscillator; with and without C0 cancellationlow phase noise low powerActiveCF5053.pdf
CF5052H1.25 MHz ~ 80 MHz fundamental oscillator. and 125°CCF7052H series recommended for all new designs performance and life cycleActiveCF5052H.pdf
CF5043A10 to 55MHz CMOS clock IC programmableExcellent temperature stability PSSR and DF/DVActiveCF5043A.pdf
CF50280.8V ~ 2.0V operation oscillator IC suitable for single battery operation 312kHz to 50MHz output0.8 to 2.0V supply operationActiveCF5028.pdf
CF5027Industry standard CMOS clock oscillator IC; stable operation 1.8 to 3.3V supply7052H series recommended for all new designs performance and life cycleActiveCF5027.pdf
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