The CF5036 series 2.5V and 3.3V operation differential LVPECL output oscillator ICs generate output frequencies ranging 25-600 MHz, with versions for 3rd overtone crystals oscillating 50-400 MHz and fundamental crystals 50-600 MHz
The CF5036 series enable construction of high frequency low phase noise LVPECL output clock oscillators in 7.0x5.0 mm and 5.0x3.2 mm ceramic LCC, and 5036xN are for small electrode fundamental and VCXO building blocks.
The devices are fabricated using a proprietary BiCMOS process enabling a high-frequency oscillator circuit and differential LVPECL output buffer offering miniaturization and simple construction of high performance low phase noise oscillators for a broad range of applications including wireless LTE and 10G fiber Communications.
Key Features
2.375 to 3.6V operating supply voltage
Versions for operating mode and frequency range optimize oscillator performance and output waveform